Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ground Breaking Day!

This morning, the excavators started the process of breaking the ground on our home. It's been a long 8 months of planning, buying a lot, more planning, meetings, banks, headaches, more planning... and finally this day has arrived!

Aaron didn't have any scheduled surgeries today, so he was able to meet Scott at our lot do watch the big machines and the operators come and start the excavation process....

Some of the things that needed to happen today were:

removing two large trees, move rocks (BIG ONES) around so that they can properly dig for foundation.

Aaron was there to witness most of the tree cutting and removal..... He came home at 10AM so I took advantage of that and asked if I could go running so I parked at Compass Park, ran to our property, down the trail, back up the trail and stopped briefly to take some pictures of the digging and moving of the rocks.

After School, I had to take Logan home and Aaron asked if I could drop off the boys at the property to watch them dig rocks and move them around so I dropped off Calvin & Noah, but had to rush off to the orthodontist for Michael to get his blue spacer replaced that he had lost. After that appt, we went back to the property, met Aaron & Kids at Pisano's, ordered a pizza, walked back to the property and watched the guys work some more... they were probably not super happy to have 7 people watch them, but we were all so excited to witness the beginning of our new home. Here are some pics

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